7. Joan Miró was born in Barcelona, Spain in the year 1893. He had a sister. El campo labrado o La tierra labrada, 1923 Joan Miró: El campo labrado. Maria Dolors Miró Juncosa (* 17.Juli 1930 in Barcelona; † 26. 66 x 92,7 cm. Dolors era hija de Josep Ferrà, ebanista mallorquín (de Sóller, según Baltasar Porcel), hijo, a su vez, de un zapatero. 2 3. Miró married Pilar Juncosa in 1929 and soon afterwards the couple moved back to Spain where their daughter, María Dolors was born the following year. Maria Dolors va néixer a Palma de Mallorca el 17 de juliol de 1930 i era l'única descendent directa de l'artista.. Va morir a Palma de Mallorca el 26 de desembre de 2004, a causa d'un infart, sofert després d'una operació programada de maluc; i va ser incinerada en el tanatori de Bon Sosec a Palma, dipositant-se les seves cendres prop dels seus pares. Maria Dolors Miró byla španělská mecenáška umění a dcera umělce Joana Miróa a jeho ženy Pilar Juncosa Iglesias. Joan Miro did have siblings. His mature style evolved from the tension between his fanciful, poetic impulse and his vision of the harshness of modern life. Podporovala španělské umělce a přispěla k mezinárodní umělecké spolupráci. Óleo sobre lienzo. My Oral Presentation By: Beltrán Laferrère 1 2. Joan Miró escuchó en su juventud muchas historias de los viajes de su abuelo Josep Ferrà, de boca de su abuela. En la casa de Mont-roig había en el salón un retrato al óleo de él. Museo Solomon R. Guggenheim. He worked extensively in lithography and produced numerous murals, … The two remained together until his death in 1983. 1923. On October 12, 1929, Miro married Pilar Juncosa and in 1931 his only child Dolors was born. Po smrti matky, v roce 1995, se stala čestným předsedou nadace, spravující otcův umělecký odkaz. The Farm (1921-22) #5 During World War II, he narrowly escaped the German forces . His life His parents were Miquel Miró and Dolors Ferrà. It was at this time that Miró produced his 'farewell to painting' - a series of experimental pieces - before moving on to other forms of art. My oral presentation joan miro 1. His brother Miguel was born in 1894 but died before he was a year old. 27 DEZ 2004 Maria Dolors Miró Juncosa, patrona e única filha do pintor Joan Miró, morreu, em 26 de Dezembro, 2004, às dez horas da Policlínica de Palma de Mallorca, aos 74 anos por causa de um ataque cardíaco seis dias de ser cirurgicamente operada a um quadril, segundo seu filho Joan Punyet Miró. Miró and Juncosa married in 1929, and the following year, their only daughter, Maria Dolors Miró, was born. Miró knew Pilar Juncosa from childhood; his mother and hers (a cousin of Miró’s grandmother) were brought up together when the latter was orphaned. Dezember 2004 in Palma) war eine spanische Kunstförderin und Ehrenvorsitzende der Miró-Stiftungen.. Maria Dolors Miró Juncosa war die einzige Tochter des katalanischen Malers Joan Miró (1893–1983). Sie stammt aus der im Oktober 1929 mit Pilar Juncosa Iglesias (1904–1995) geschlossenen Ehe des Künstlers. He had one brother and two sisters. Miro and his family remained in Paris after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Joan Miro, Catalan painter who combined abstract art with Surrealist fantasy.