A chord is a line connecting two points on a circle. Find the length of the radius of a circle if a chord of the circle has a length of 12 cm and is 4 cm from the center of the circle. Concept: Arc and Chord Properties - If Two Chords Intersect Internally Or Externally Then the Product of the Lengths of the Segments Are Equal. A chord only covers the part inside the circle. Copyright © 2005, 2020 - OnlineMathLearning.com. Therefore, AM = 1/2AB = ½ x6 = 3cm. the Radius of this Circle Must Be Concept: Concept of Circle - Centre, Radius, Diameter, Arc, Sector, Chord, Segment, Semicircle, Circumference, Interior and Exterior.. That is, draw a diameter. Proof : In triangles OAC and OBC (i) OA = OB (Radii of the same circle) (ii) OC is common (iii)