<> Unable to ping anything either localhost or remote host or loopback address. So remaining 9,868,933 lines are codes and out of 9,868,933 Lines of codes 7,896,318 are written in C Programming Language.The remaining lines of code 1,972,615 are written in C++, Assembly, Perl, Shell Script, Python, Bash Script, HTML, awk, yacc, lex, sed, etc. Senior Management Interviews - Sample Interview Questions These sample questions should provide you with some ideas as to questions that might be asked to draw out a candidates’s capabilities against a range of common ANS : – Need to define the umask value for the required user. 6) How to run ‘free’ command to print output of 2 instances with 2 seconds interval and store that output in a file (skipping any errors/warnings), and run this in background? How to check if an user account has been locked? Linux initially was developed for intel X86 architecture but has been ported to another hardware platform than any other Operating System. ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512 MD5_CRYPT_ENAB no, [[email protected] ~]# authconfig –test|grep hashing. What is the role of case sensitivity in affecting the way commands are used?Answer: Linux is considered as cases sensitive. In terms of case sensitivity, the command is the same but the only difference occurs with regard to uppercase and lowercase letters. These mount counts would get incremented after each system reset/restart. :16378:3:100:7::16489: ty3:$5$Bsv43yG6$/Oa4fhlKF65XW8ROohKnJaSxVIIEhUKFUEdiIcOEfY4:16378:0:99999:7::: ty5:$1$5J4jzULD$dKGfhSIzXp50Y4mwZxcqB/:16379:0:99999:7::: To Change Password Encryption Method to sha512: #authconfig –passalgo=sha512 –update {this would change the password encryption method to sha512}, [[email protected] ~]# grep -i crypt /etc/login.defs # Use SHA512 to encrypt password. Duration: 25+ Hours | Version: 6,7 | Admin | CentOS, Basic Linux Interview Questions And Answers, Linux Admin Interview Questions And Answers Pdf, Linux Interview Questions And Answers Pdf. Whether you are preparing to interview a candidate or applying for a job, review our list of top Systems Administrator interview questions and answers. What is the core of the Linux Operating System?Answer: The kernel is the core of the Linux Operating System. Here are some of the most common windows server administrator interview questions you should prepare to do well in the interview. ANS:- This could be achieved by creating /etc/nologin file (as root user). Packages installed later would not be listed here. 15 Toughest Interview Questions and Answers! ANS : In /boot/grub/ OR /etc/grub2 (in case of RHEL7.x) directory. And Provide a valid End Point URL in the Web Services Consumer transformation and do not leave it blank (any URL will work). After this add ” – : : ALL ” to /etc/security/access.conf file. 33. For example: ‘$ free –m’, the options being’ displays all the data in MBs./proc/meminfo: The next way to determine memory usage is to read /proc/meminfo file. in the case of any virus attack, it will reach only local files and folders where the system-wide damage is saved.It has a powerful auditing system which includes detailed logs.Enhanced features of IPtables are used in order to implement a greater level of security for Linux machine.Linux has tougher program permissions before installing anything on your machine.Â. 32. #setfacl -m u:redhat:rw /testfile {redhat is an user here}. 1. ANS:- Run the command “passwd -S ”, this would show if the password has been locked or not. [[email protected] package-restore-test]# tree . <> Next step is to ping the hostname to confirm that name resolution works good. You want to search for all the *.tar files in your Home directory and wants to delete all at once. These commands would normally lock the file while editing to avoid corruption. If not then bring up the loopback interface : #ifup lo. 35. – Later, move this binary file to /sbin folder and make sure proper permissions are set as required. 17. – If it is dynamic mode of IP address then check if there is any problem on the DHCP server. If the label is not correct in fstab then edit it. 5) How to fix/troubleshoot “no network” or “network down” or “unable to ping remote host” or “localhost doesn’t ping” problems? Enlist some Linux networking and troubleshooting commands?Answer: Every computer is connected to network internally or externally for the purpose of exchanging information. The windows admin interview questions asked ranges from the simple to the complexed ones. Keyboard serves as the standard input device and screen serves as the standard output device. What the hiring manager really [[email protected] Desktop]# ps -p $(ps -C sshd -o pid=) -o lstart STARTED Thu Jun 18 05:29:18 2015, [[email protected] Desktop]# ps -p $(pgrep sshd) -o lstart STARTED Thu Jun 18 05:29:18 2015. – Ping localhost to confirm that local network interface is up and required network modules are loaded. – Start the network service (#service network start). Now, lets check what does 0022 umask value indicates: 0 – Indicates special character bit, not masked. It works on Windows and should be used by newcomers.Debian: It is the most stable, quicker and user-friendly Linux Distributors.Fedora: It is less stable but provides the latest version of the software. If an user failed to login remotely via ssh then the reasons could be different. Linux Commands Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Linux is an operating system based on UNIX and was first introduced by Linus Torvalds. Please visit my recent blog post for more details and easier way to get the information: 4) The option “Open in Terminal” is missing when user right clicks on terminal in GUI. ANS :- Using the command “grub-crypt” (in RHEL 6.x). Case sensitivity can sometimes serve as the reason for displaying different answers for the same command as you might enter the different format of commands each time. Save and exit. In the question here, the interface name was changed from eth0 to eth1, hence, need to look out for ifcfg-eth0 interface file under “/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts” directory and change “HWADDR” and other fields as necessary (these options such as “Hwaddr”, “UUID” are not mandatory, if you wish then you could drop them or remove them if not required). How could this be changed (example : from md5 to sha512)? It relies on textual request and response transaction process where user types declarative commands to instruct the computer to perform operations. 6) What does /var/log/wtmp and /var/log/btmp files indicates and what do they store? However, if user tries “su” from root account, access would get granted. 51. So, to get a file system check (fsck) on system reboot/reset this has to be set and which in turn depends on “Mount count”. : Bring you to the parent directorycd/: Takes you to the entire system’s root directory. Most in-depth, the industry-led curriculum in Linux. It comes under the category of free and open source software. Answer : First install ntfs 3g pack on the system using apt or yum tool and then use “mount sudo mount t ntfs 3g /dev//” command to mount Windows partition on Linux. How will you do it? –> Optionally, there is “tcping” package available from EPEL which can be used to test remote host alive status using port ping. ANS : This is basically because of missing package “nautilus-open-terminal”. – Add the below lines to /etc/sudoers file: (example to make user “raj” to execute shutdown/reboot commands), raj ALL=/sbin/shutdown,/sbin/reboot,/sbin/poweroff. This would skip the file system check process. (11) How to check if an user account has been locked? #ping `hostname` OR ping . 53. Here are the reasons: If “AllowUsers” parameter is configured in /etc/ssh/sshd_config then need to add required user to this list to get access. Hi Buddie, Thank you SO MUCH! Can be used to create links to directories. vi filename: This is the command used to create a new file as well as modify an existing file.View filename: This command opens an existing file in read-only mode.X: This command deletes the character which is under the cursor or before the cursor location.dd: This command is used to delete the current line. Continuing the Interview Questions series, with a big thanks for the nice feedback on last two articles of this series, we are here presenting 10 questions again for interactive learning. There are roughly 5 methods that determine the total memory used by Linux. Which daemon controls the print spooling process?Answer: 41. 8) What is an elevator (disk elevator) or IO scheduler? 2. 14. ANS :- This is possible provided kexec-tools package is installed. We have a series of interview questions and answers for your Linux interview preparation based on various levels of basic, advanced, technical, admin, kernel, and commands . 6) How can I reboot quickly into another kernel (if available) by-passing BIOS process? Moreover Big companies like Apple, IBM, Oracle, HP, etc. [[email protected] yum.repos.d]# grep certmonger /var/log/yum.log Jul 15 10:33:22 Installed: certmonger-0.61-3.el6.x86_64. You need to examine a log, two months old. – User login failed from GUI or from text console, however, could do su. [[email protected] Desktop]# nc -z 22 Connection to 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded! In such cases it could be possible that ICMP replies would have been disabled (via sysctl) or blocked by firewall rules via iptables. Explore Now! All the best for your future and happy Linux learning. 52 Senior systems administrator interview questions pdf 1. <> Now, edit /etc/passwd file to manually set required parameters for the new user “user1”: #vipw (this command would block multiple edits of /etc/passwd file), user1:x:2000:2000:local user:/home/user1:/bin/bash, [[email protected] ~]# grep user1 /etc/passwd. * This file has been deprecated in RHEL7.x [https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1554703]. To check these, run a small script as shown below : #!/bin/bash echo -e “Print Current shell ID (\$$): $$” echo -e “Arguments passed (\[email protected]): [email protected]” echo -e “No of arguments passed (\$#): $#” echo -e “This also prints arguments passed (\$*): $*” ………..example: [[email protected] tmp]# ./test.sh 1 2 3 Print Current shell ID ($$): 107199 Arguments passed ([email protected]): 1 2 3 No of arguments passed ($#): 3 This also prints arguments passed ($*): 1 2 3. For example cd, CD, Cd are different commands with different outputs. Otherwise, there is another global option which could be used to make file system check after 180 days or after random number of mounts using “enable_periodic_fsck” in /etc/mk2fs.conf file as shown below: [[email protected] yum.repos.d]# grep -i enable_periodic_fsck /etc/mke2fs.conf enable_periodic_fsck = 1. To find out the most recent ‘httpd’ service restart time : [[email protected] Desktop]# ps -p $(ps -C httpd -o pid=|head -1) -o lstart STARTED Thu Jun 18 05:34:35 2015. Do you agree?Answer: Yes, I do agree. 20. How to make sure that the network interface becomes eth0 here and up along with the server? – If firewall problem, then make sure “icmp” protocol and “lo” interface is allowed for communication. Otherwise, run “usermod -U this would not tell the read/write status. Eg: (list)When the commands are placed within the parenthesis, then they are executed by a subshell. How do you make the system to boot from the newly installed kernel? ANS : – Make a note of the HW/MAC address of the second network interface here. What does Sar provide? If this file exists then any user who tries to log-in would gets rejected and only root user would be allowed (the root user may not be allowed to login via ssh if “PermitRootLogin” is set to “no” in /etc/ssh/sshd_config). –> This command would performs only host discovery without port scanning. 7) What does the umask value of 0022 indicates for a root user? 1) How do you change the network speed of an interface to 100Mbps with auto-negotiation off and duplex in full mode(example for interface eth0)? – reduce file system : #resize2fs /dev/vg1/rootlv 5G – Next, reduce the corresponding lvm : #lvreduce -L 5G /dev/vg1/rootlv (reducing the LV to 5GB) – Run fsck again. This would also not respond if port is blocked by firewall. System Administrator Interview Questions System Administrators are responsible for the proper operation of the company’s IT systems, including hardware, software and network. However, this file is deprecated in RHEL6. What is Samba? Try to set a test (static) IP address and check if that works. Remains even if original file is removed. 10. Why is it used?Answer: Samba service is used to connect Linux machines to Microsoft network resources by providing Microsoft SMB support. There are several shells available with Linux which includes the following, BASH (Bourne Again SHell)CSH ( C Shell)KSH ( Korn Shell)TCSHThere are basically two types of Shell commands. LINUX Distributions (Distros) assemble all these different parts of Linux and give us a compiled operating system to be installed and used. This would be an ideal option when SSD drives are used. So, add the entry as: <> Check if at least one network interface is up on system. Dies after original file is removed, otherwise exists as a dead link. For example, to print the current working directory enter “$ pwd”. Make sure the hardware address recorded here is correct and change the “NAME” attribute value to match your needs, save it and exit from vi mode. #ifconfig eth0 (it could be any interface). !”) this indicates that the account got locked-up by running the command “passwd -l ” command (available only for root user). 23. Some of the major reasons to use LINUX are listed below. –> Also there is “netcat” utility (need to install this package) available which is another handy network tool which does a lot of functions including port scanning, so this could be used to test if a port on a remote host is allowed or blocked via firewall. – This could be a problem either with firewall (iptables rules are set), otherwise, with sysctl settings configured on the system. Where are Sar logs stored?Answer: Sar collects, reports, or saves system activity information, sar serves to log and evaluate a variety of information regarding system activity. – First make the logical volumes available by running these commands: – lvm pvscan – lvm vgscan – lvm lvscan – lvm lvchange -ay – Next, run the file system check on the respective lvm. The user login, logout, terminal type etc are stored in /var/log/wtmp and this is not a user-readable file, so “last” command reads data from this file (or the file designated by the -f flag). After this any new users home directory would be under /home1, – You could check the useradd defaults using the command :#useradd -D. After this you can add users with the command “useradd ”. What is tail command in Linux?Answer: tail command displays the last part of a file. 12) How do you skip the initial fsck(file system check) on a file system while booting up? Run “gconf-editor” command, expand “apps” and then “gdm”, click on “simple-greeter” and then check “disable_restart_buttons”, then right click on “disable_restart_buttons” and choose “Set as Default”. – Only root user login failed from console, however, works in GUI. How do you make a file copied to a new user account automatically upon user account creation? – To check memory availability #free -m Or #cat /proc/meminfo OR top or #vmstat – To check CPU details #cat /proc/cpuinfo Or lscpu (RHEL6) or check in dmesg – To check the loaded modules #lsmod – To load a module #modprobe – To check all (active/inactive) network interfaces #ifconfig -a Or ip a Or #cat /proc/net/dev – To scan bus so that all newly added devices/luns would come up: #rescan-scsi-bus.sh or #echo “- – -” > /sys/class/scsi_host/host/scan {to get the rescan-scsi-bus.sh command, need to install sg3_utils package} – To check most recent system reboot :#last reboot | head -1 {last command reads from /var/log/wtmp, lastb reads from /var/log/btmp}, [[email protected] Desktop]# last reboot|head -1 reboot system boot 2.6.32-431.el6.x Thu Jul 17 15:43 – 17:09 (01:25), – To check the most recent system shutdown time :#last -x|grep shutdown|head -1, [[email protected] Desktop]# last -x | grep shutdown|head -1 shutdown system down 2.6.32-431.el6.x Thu Jul 17 15:43 – 15:43 (00:00), – To check processor statistics : #mpstat or #iostat {these commands belongs to sysstat package}, ANS: = = 21/20 ftp = 22 ssh = 23 telnet = 25 smtp = 53 DNS (tcp/udp) = 68 DHCP = 69 TFTP = 80/443 http/https (tcp) = 88/464 Kerberos (tcp/udp) = 110 pop3 = 123 NTP(udp) = 137 nmbd = 138,139,445 smbd = 143 IMAP = 161 SNMP = 389/636 LDAP/LDAPS (tcp) = 514 (udp) syslogd = 2049 NFS. Failing to do this will cause the session to fail. Need to add : to files : /etc/pam.d/login & /etc/pam.d/gdm-*. 4) How do you disable the “NetworkManager” service on runlevel 5? Otherwise, in /etc/profile (login shell) or /etc/bashrc (non-login shell) file. – Check the password beginning character in the second field of /etc/shadow file: If it begins with = $6 > indicates sha512 $5 > sha256 $1 > md5 Examples: ty2:$6$EyoeIHFK$L2PAXcXRo.Q5Y7zUweYkste8PtiL/CqYJ9Z/ydBvRIOqvsegpVtOU1hDfkFdUpTcmjEou4kzL/Ej5MF2HdAB7. …..this would report PID of previous background process. How to create a new file and modify an existing file in vi editors?Answer: Find below the commands with the description. What are the modes used in VI editor?Answer: 12. For user mail requirement, need to create a proper file under /var/spool/mail (default mail box location) with username and permissions: #cd /var/spool/mail #touch user1 #chown user1:mail user1. How to check Memory stats and CPU stats as a Linux admin?Answer: Using ‘free’ & ‘vmstat’ command, we can display the physical and virtual memory statistics, respectively. rpm -U = Upgrades an existing package if exists otherwise install it. 4. Is it legal to edit Linux Kernel?Answer: Yes. These interview questions are divided into two parts are as follows: Part 1 If network is down then bring it up: – If unable to get a valid IP address here, then need to check how is IP address being provisioned, it could be static or dynamic. Top 50 Unix Interview Questions & Answers Details Last Updated: 22 October 2020 Download PDF 1) What is UNIX? Can only be created within same file system. How could this be changed (example : from md5 to sha512)? Contact +91 988 502 2027 for more information. – activate the lvms if required as explained in previous answer. ANS : # “S” indicates that the SUID has been set, however, execute permission is not set. 4) How to disable password-less login for root user in single user mode? UBuntu: It is a well known Linux Distribution with a lot of pre-installed apps and easy to use repositories libraries. If the shell field is set as “/bin/false” then whenever an user tries to login there would not be any error or messages, it just comes back to the login prompt and same happens in GUI mode. ANS : # Make the user sudo with appropriate permissions on the commands required. Whether you go with tcsh, csh, or BASH, make sure you’re clear on the features of all and are able to support your preference with facts and examples. Let’s start learning Linux Administration Interview Questions and Answers for experienced. 4) After changing the network card on a system the network interface name got changed from eth0 to eth1. Which command is used to delete a group?Answer: The groupdel command46. 21. Thanks a lot. – Check if the required file is available in the package before extracting it. 27. In this disk elevator algorithm, each read/write requests would wait a short time before after a request to see if another read/write request for nearby sector is coming up. In CLI mode, after entering user password, it would fail with an error “incorrect password”. 9) Find out list of actual devices associated with a logical volume using lvs command? 1) How to check what file systems are mounted and their read/write status? Requests in queue would get served in batches based on FIFO. What is cat command in Linux?Answer: In Linux cat command concatenates and prints files. 3) Which command is to be used to create GRUB password to avoid normal user in editing GRUB interface while booting? This prompts for user (root) to enter a valid password to authenticate. 8. – #e2fsck -fy /dev/vgname/lvname. Which command would you use to create a file system on a new hard drive?Answer: The mkfs command. ANS:- Using “dmesg” or #cat /var/log/dmesg. – This can be done by editing .bash_profile file. For example: ‘$ cat /proc/meminfo’Vmstat: This command basically lays out the memory usage statistics. What does (cd dir && command) do?Answer: cd dir && command goes to the dir, execute the command and return to the current directory. 9. 38. Jun 18 05:29:18 nagios sshd[5612]: Server listening on :: port 22. – If for some reason the interface name don’t change, then unload network module and re-load it (this would drop off current connection, please be aware). If the environment doesn’t permit of restart of the system then one could use “udevadm trigger” command to get the changes done without restart. 250+ Windows Server Administration Interview Questions and Answers, Question1: What are the roles of System Administrator? NOTE: To get this the e2fsprogs package should be at least “e2fsprogs-1.41.12-20.el6”. How do you terminate an ongoing process?Answer: Use the kill command followed by the PID in order to terminate that process. – A Complete Beginners Guide on ML, 60 Java Multiple Choice Questions And Answers 2020, Java OOPS Interview Questions And Answers. ANS : tune2fs -j . ANS :- When network is down or unable to ping remote (another) host system, we’d need to start checking the following things sequentially: <> Check if local network interface is working properly. : 0 – indicates mask nothing, all permission bits in UNIX environment rpm2cpio /media/Packages/net-tools-1.60-110.el6_2.x86_64.rpm |cpio –make-directories... Are very useful for senior linux administrator interview questions pdf 2020 prompting for password RHEL 6.x ) this! Using alias name referring the original file is available in the password indicates! Is /var/log/lastlog which records most previous successful login event of users the password column indicates that the file while to. 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