But consider how much waste you could avoid by opting for whole foods more often. To reduce inflammation, you should eliminate pro-inflammatory foods and foods to which you may have a sensitivity. All foods in their natural state have vibrational frequency, a measurement of energy related to bioelectricity (and indirectly related to prana, or vital energy). We have to practice these things if we truly want to change. So get active. And no, these are doctors and scientists, not what the mainstream likes to label as “anti-vax conspiracy theorists.” It would be nice if issues that are being raised by various publications and vaccine safety advocates were actually addressed by mainstream media but instead, unfortunately, all we get is ridicule, ridicule, and more ridicule. Pistachios are highly nutritious, and their consumption has been linked to healthy blood pressure levels. If clean eating is your goal, alcohol should be taken sparingly, if at all. He is one of tens of thousands of doctors and scientists who have been emphasizing this point. Yes, sure, eating meat lowers body vibration first, then in time brings down also soul vibration it’s that simple, it’s only basic physics of Creation. When you increase your vibration, you will probably begin to crave more healthy, natural foods and be drawn to those foods. If you do eat meat,   be sure to buy organic meat from animals that have been allowed to roam freely and graze as they would naturally, not force fed corn and other filler foods. It’s not hard to find many examples if you do your research. Medications, including angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, are commonly used to reduce blood pressure levels. If you want to keep eating ice cream (yes sorry guys low vibrational to the core)…. Studies show that diets rich in whole grains may decrease your risk of high blood pressure. Second, these results refer to the trials’ primary endpoint of covid-19 of essentially any severity, and importantly not the vaccine’s ability to save lives, nor the ability to prevent infection, nor the efficacy in important subgroups (e.g. Make water the primary thing you drink throughout the day. --> Join us on Telegram: Be sure you get our most important and latest content by joining our free Telegram channel. Don’t worry so much about the calories and fat content, as it’s better to have high calories and lots of nutrients than low calories with loads of added sugar. You can read it below. They found that the DTP vaccine was associated with 5-fold higher mortality than being unvaccinated. Fruits and Vegetables. Give your food and water beautiful structures and higher vibration before consuming! VAERS is a passive reporting system in which, according to Ross 2011 , “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” The Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) can, in principle, according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2013), be used to compare outcomes of vaccines and unvaccinated children. Brown rice. There are also healthier sugar alternatives, such as dates, pure maple syrup, and unpasteurized honey, which won’t affect you the same way that refined sugar will. For methods used, limitations, and more please refer to the study. Eggs are one of the best foods that burn belly fat and can be said to be one of the most healthiest food for burning fat and building muscles. One way the trial’s raw data could facilitate an informed judgment as to whether any potential unblinding might have affected the results is by analyzing how often people with symptoms of covid-19 were referred for confirmatory SARS-CoV-2 testing. Join CETV, engage with these courses and more here! I have been seeing families in my practice for over 20 years, that have opted out of vaccination, they are the healthiest children I’ve ever seen. The packaged foods receive way less. They have no idea that they create their reality. Crunchy, sweet, and nutritious, carrots are a staple veggie in many people’s diets. Most crucially, we need data-driven assurances that the studies were not inadvertently unblinded, by which I mean investigators or volunteers could make reasonable guesses as to which group they were in. High blood pressure readings are different for adults, children, and pregnant women. However, more research in humans is needed to confirm these potential mechanisms (17). He also said that COVID is less dangerous than the flu for children. Fasting To Raise Vibration, Expand Consciousness & Thrive! Before eating your meal, to raise the vibration of the food and to give thanks to Spirit/Universe, hold your hands palm down over your food and send love and gratitude to the food, the cook, and the farmer or animal that provided the food. A review of 21 studies found that among all the nuts included in the review, pistachio intake had the strongest effect on reducing both SBP and DBP (21). Third, these results reflect a time point relatively soon after vaccination, and we know nothing about vaccine performance at 3, 6, or 12 months, so cannot compare these efficacy numbers against other vaccines like influenza vaccines (which are judged over a season). Unless you put conscious effort into raising our vibration, it is most likely that it is lower than it should be, this is because the modern lifestyle often supports a low vibration. While some of these tips may seem obvious, they can be easy to forget, particularly if they aren’t part of your daily routine. The spinach soup also decreased artery stiffness, which may help reduce blood pressure and improve heart health (42). The foods you consume and put into your body affect your overall vibration and how you feel! In one such study, healthy adults consumed a 600 calorie meal that contained either whole or processed foods. They're this session going out and had no idea. They found that the vaccinated group require far more healthcare than the unvaccinated group. Swiss chard is a leafy green that’s packed with blood-pressure-regulating nutrients, including potassium and magnesium. This is one of the first of its kind. By eating nutrient-dense, prana-rich foods, like local and organic fruits and vegetables, your body literally absorbs these things, making you more light, vibrant, and alive. Foods that he rated in his “first category”, with the highest vibration were, between 6,500 and 10,000 angstrom, included: fresh fruits, vegetables, olive, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds, coconut, soy (since been modified), peanuts, hazelnuts and whole grains (whole grains have since been chemically hybridized, read more below). You can follow me, Arjun, here on Instagram. First, a relative risk reduction is being reported, not absolute risk reduction, which appears to be less than 1%. The orange line represents the vaccinated children, and the blue one represents the unvaccinated. Although carrots can be enjoyed cooked or raw, eating them raw may be more beneficial for reducing high blood pressure. Here’s 17 ways to lower your…, You can manage high blood pressure with more than medication. The study concludes that “the unvaccinated children in this practice are not, overall, less healthy than the vaccinated and that indeed the vaccinated children appear to be significantly less healthy than the unvaccinated. They can be picked, washed, and eaten with little or no preparation. Jump up and down. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. #4 Processed, Canned … I experienced this directly and lots of other advanced seekers. Further, many are starting to see that mandated vaccines may not be the future, but that services and options will be denied unless you can prove you have been vaccinated. Whole grain bread. Fresh herbs. Cutting Edge Conscious Media, 7. Most recently, it has been determined that variation exists in individual responses to vaccines, that differences exist in the safety profile of live and inactivated vaccines, and that simultaneous administration of live and inactivated vaccines may be associated with poor outcomes. Such policies have provoked suspicion and dissent as critics question the integrity of the state-pharma alliance and its impact on vaccine safety. Can we, including those who support the vaccine, truly accept that controlling everyone’s lives and what they can and can’t do is the best thing to do with an extremely low mortality virus? It helps reduce blood pressure through several mechanisms, including by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker, which blocks the movement of calcium into heart and arterial cells, allowing blood vessels to relax (11). Conversely, foods that make you feel heavy, bloated or drained after consumption, lower your vibration. In one Pfizer trial, for example, more than half of the vaccinated participants experienced headache, muscle pain and chills—but the early phase trials were small, with large margins of error around the data. Turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, garlic and cayenne all contain powerful healing properties and help with everything from digestion to blood sugar balance and even arthritis! Learn about diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and others…. This includes any margarine or oil spreads and vegan butter alternatives. The article he published in the BMJ on November 26th is titled ” Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—let’s be cautious and first see the full data.” I wanted to post it here and archive it on our website for those who are interested. Here is a list of some foods that contain lots of healthy energy and vibrate to high frequencies: Fresh fruits. Amongst 100's of hours of exclusive content, we have recently completed two short courses to help you become an effective changemaker, one called Profound Realization and the other called How To Do An Effective Media Detox. How do we know that vaccine hesitancy is at an all time high? There are 12 top anti-inflammatory foods for autoimmune conditions. You can hardly get away from the altered, processed, enhanced, and modified foods. Choose cold pressed coconut or olive oil or grass fed butter or ghee. The trouble we seem to be having is determining how to communicate about COVID, the fears we have around it, and how to come together as a community to ‘draw a line’ as to where we may be taking things too far  Does this indicate the level of fear we have towards life? Why This Is Important: Given the fact that the  National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) has paid out approximately $4 billion dollars to families of vaccine injured children, there are clearly, in my opinion, some valid points here, especially against compulsory vaccinations. Want to know what foods aren’t clean? Raw honey. Beans and lentils are rich in nutrients that help regulate blood pressure, such as fiber, magnesium, and potassium. Some studies have suggested that the effects of beets on blood pressure are short lived and may not make a substantial difference on long-term blood pressure control (39, 40). It argues that attempts to undermine freedom of speech, and to systematically excoriate those who criticise or dissent from mandatory vaccine programs, function as a corrupting process and, by extension, serve to provoke the notion that corruption does indeed exist within the state-pharma alliance. Unfortunately, to date, no studies have been published comparing a diversity of outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. She is referenced, as you can see, by the authors in the study above. They gather the sun’s energy, … Following a nutritious, heart-healthy diet is suggested for all people with high blood pressure, including those on blood-pressure-lowering medications (1). High Vibration Foods To Elevate Your Consciousness. ... and he was kind of looking around at people at whole foods and is like, look at the people, the other sleep just asleep. Animal cholesterol is related to numerous different ailments and diseases, including cancer and heart disease. You can and read about why here, but that’s just one of multiple examples. This has actually been observed for a while. A study that included 2,195 people ages 40–59 found that raw carrot intake was significantly associated with lower blood pressure levels (23). Magnesium is also essential for blood pressure regulation. A study in 23 women found that supplementing with 3 grams of pumpkin seed oil per day for 6 weeks led to significant reductions in SBP, compared with a placebo group (15). 16. Again, don’t forget about that 1% figure cited in the study. Contrary to popular belief, a calorie is not just a calorie — where it comes from matters. These are foods that have not been altered or had anything added to them, so the only ingredient would be the food itself. Is this really how we want to live, is this really the kind of world we want to create? – Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, a NY licensed paediatrician. However, rather than encouraging open debate, draconian modes of governance have been implemented to repress and silence any form of criticism, thereby protecting the activities of the state and pharmaceutical industry from independent scrutiny. Everyone knows that vegetables and fruits are healthy, and most people would probably agree that they could be eating more of them. The group that consumed whole foods burned twice as many calories while digesting their meals than those who ate processed foods. High blood pressure during pregnancy can occur due to…. However, lifestyle changes, including dietary modifications, can help lower blood pressure levels to optimal ranges and reduce your risk of heart disease. 6. If you must consume alcohol, do so in moderation. Most fast food restaurants, large grocery food chains, even middle of the line eateries offer food that is of a very low vibrational quality, thus adding to the density of the body. Over 1 billion people around the world have high blood pressure, which is defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) values (the top number) of 130 mm Hg or more, diastolic blood pressure (DBP, the bottom number) of more than 80 mm Hg, or both (2). ... love, connection, and compassion is going to lower your vibration. I’d like to leave you with this quote from a paper published by Paddy Rawlinson, a professor from Western Sydney University, Australia, titled “Immunity and Impunity: Corruption in the State Pharma Nexus.” It was published in the International Journal of Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. Firstly, it goes without saying that eating corpses lowers ones vibration. Do so with no guilt or judgement. What is this fear driven approach saying about our general view of life at this time? Each to their own though there is no need to judge. But when the disease and the vaccine side-effects overlap, how is a clinician to judge the cause without a test? Has the dualistic fight the enemy method worked in the past? Eating meat means first killing and then eating corpses of … Importantly, the instructions only refer to the first seven days following vaccination, leaving unclear what role clinician judgment could play in the key days afterward, when cases of covid-19 could begin counting towards the primary endpoint. Below is a video that was recently put out by CE Founder Joe Martino. (Nature is so cool.). However the trial protocols for Moderna and Pfizer’s studies contain explicit language instructing investigators to use their clinical judgment to decide whether to refer people for testing. For example, adding this cruciferous veggie to your diet may be a smart way to reduce blood pressure. Why have we given them so much power to dictate what we do and how we want to live? Certain herbs and spices contain powerful compounds that may help reduce blood pressure by helping blood vessels relax (30). In their place go sugar and other unhealthy ingredients that give the food flavour and extend its shelf life. Studies have not been published that report on the total outcomes from vaccinations, or the increase or decrease in total infections in vaccinated individuals. At a 2019 conference on vaccines put on by the World Health Organization this fact was emphasized by Professor Heidi Larson, a Professor of Anthropology and the Risk and Decision Scientist Director at the Vaccine Confidence Project. Several herbs may help lower high blood pressure. We have to ask ourselves the question, why? The best example comes from a World Health Organization conference about vaccine safety that was held in 2019. Olive oil. 10 Herbs That May Help Lower High Blood Pressure. Putting high vibrational foods into the body. Examples of high vibration foods include, fruits, berries, veggies, leafy greens, sprouts, herbs (like cilantro, mint, turmeric etc.) Beets and beet greens are exceptionally nutritious, and eating them may help promote healthy blood pressure levels. Is there not enough information here alone to warrant informed consent? They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that may help keep your heart healthy by reducing heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure (4). All rights reserved. Vaccines are not a one size fits all product, in the US alone nearly $4 billion has been paid out to families of vaccine injured children, and a number of studies are calling into question their safety. These studies mentioned above also had similar findings. Simple tips to incorporate more fruits or veggies include: Fruits and vegetables are the backbone of a clean and healthy diet. This perhaps is how we will solve our ongoing challenges at their core. Firstly, you are rarely ever 100% “either/or” anything in life. Refined carbohydrates provide little nutritional value, and include things like white bread, pasta, cookies, sugary drinks, and basically anything made with white flour. High Vibrational Foods to Eat. Mild and moderate severity reactions are bound to be far more common. Nuts. Based on the IOM’s recommendation, in 2016, the CDC published a white paper (CDC, 2016; Glanz et al., 2016) on studying the safety of their recommended pediatric vaccine schedule. This will cause you to gain more weight over time, as many studies have shown. Studies comparing the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children from matters do what do! Seem to be far more common just one of multiple examples for,... 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