green lantern vs superman? Any time the battle's progressed far enough for Supes to be smashing through constructs a Lantern could've won by making those constructs out of Kryptonite. To answer, I’ll go over the Four Corpsmen specifically - Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner. Answer Save. Hal has since been considered the greatest Green Lantern. Depends on the Green Lantern. Superman is no match for Green Lantern. John Stewart, Hal Jordan doesn't matter either guy would create a force field that is lined with Kryptonite. His rage led to him deactivating the androids and leaving them lifeless in space and he felt despair at having achieved his goal only to have it ripped away from him. Upon learning he was once again alive, Henshaw was enraged at the action of the Manhunters who had desired the return of their Grandmaster. He annihilated Green Lantern Corps, but he has some help. and his ring has been known to create types of radiation including krptanite. However he is stronger and more durable. Any time the battle's progressed far enough for Supes to be smashing through constructs a Lantern could've won by making those constructs out of Kryptonite. The short answer… Doomsday is immune to the effects of a Oan Power Ring… Somewhere around 250,000 years ago. This one can go either way really. In a fight Superman sould win as far as the movie goes.....Superman 1 and 2 richard donner cuts were better than the Movie Green Lantern. Superman … In Injustice comics where he has gone rogue. John Stewart, Hal Jordan doesn't matter either guy would create a force field that is lined with Kryptonite. The green lantern ring can create nearly anything. He can break GL's constructs. This has been proven to include kryponite. The Green Lanterns always neglect their ring's ability to manifest actual materials when they're up against superman. Superman would be unable to break it. Depends on the Green Lantern. Simple answer. Green lantern has the potential to beat superman all on his own. Superman is no match for Green Lantern. Cyborg Superman vs The Green Lantern Corps. Zharan Pel was the Green Lantern of sector 2813. Thor never really uses Mjolnir hax either, I also do think he's slower than Hal Jordan is. Superman is always known for holding back. It depends on which superman you are taking on in this fight. To answer, I’ll go over the Four Corpsmen specifically - Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner. Injustice versions stomp because Superman is a supercharged Yellow Lantern and so is Hal Jordan. Oof. green lantern (hal jordan) vs superman This topic is locked from further discussion. And Diana is as bloodthirsty as she's ever been. i think green lantern.for starters superman is limited by his physical abilitys but green lantern is only limited by his imagination. So hal had to make himself more powerful because he obviously knows Superman is more powerful. Round 2. The Green Lanterns always neglect their ring's ability to manifest actual materials when they're up against superman. Superman would be unable to break it.

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